Solutions tailored to your needs
Advanced and integral IT solutions for logistics optimise your processes and enable rapid responses to ever more complex logistics requirements. Solutions >
Ever since 1990, we have been creating inspiring stories that help companies around the world optimise their logistics processes. These are stories of growth, trust and cooperation.
Hofer supplies their shops in Slovenia from their central warehouse in Lukovica, where we have implemented an adapted Atlas DPS solution. Using this solution, Hofer has simplified and shortened planning time, decreased the number of vehicles needed, increased vehicle load utilisation to 95%, improved the punctuality of deliveries, and ensured a better overview of costs.
If your needs and requirements are unique, you are in the right place. The development of tailor-made solutions and 30 years of experience with their integration in the most diverse industries ensures that we have the right solution for you too.
Automation and digitalisation of logistics have become key elements in companies that strive to improve efficiency, accuracy and productivity in their supply chains, and want to become or remain adaptable and resilient to unpredictable events. More
Let’s remind ourselves of the five elements or areas that require reflection prior to AGVs being introduced, as outlined in our previous article on the topic of how Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) can be effectively introduced into production environments: More