What is
Atlas WMS?
Atlas WMS is an IT solution for the management and monitoring of all logistics processes, in both warehouse distribution and production.
It provides 100% traceability of goods and people.
in one
Atlas WMS combines both WMS (Warehouse Management System) and WCS (Warehouse Control System) in one package. The two-in-one concept brings a double benefit: it works as either WCS or WMS, or both at the same time.
Atlas WMS supports automated systems and warehouses (material to man), as well as manual handling (man to material). In the former, it coordinates automated transport devices so that they automatically move goods, while in the latter it guides and follows the warehouse staff in their working operations with the help of mobile technology.
Modern, object–oriented system architecture enables simple adaptation to an increase in the scope of transactions (scalability) and a high level of adaptability (flexibility), without affecting Atlas WMS system integrity.
Its simple and intuitive user interface also makes Atlas WMS simple to use.
Benefits of
Atlas WMS
Atlas WMS records all stock movements and ensures 100% traceability from receiving to shipment. Thanks to 100% coverage of all goods transactions and overall reports enables you at any time to find out WHO changed what stock, WHEN this was done, WHAT happened, WHAT was changed (quantity, type of goods, batch/lot), WHERE (at what point) and HOW (transaction type).
Production processes
in the warehouse
The latest trends require production processes also in the warehouse environment, such as value added services, cutting, confectioning, repackaging, etc. Atlas WMS supports such processes and integrates them into a single system.
Keeping stock in
many units of measurement
Would you like to receive goods in kilograms and ship them in metres or pieces? No problem. Atlas WMS seamlessly converts all measurement units. It also keeps stock in different units of measure and thus avoids discrepancies between converted theoretical quantities and real ones.
Forward thinking
Right on time is the best time! Atlas WMS thinks about the next movements of transport units well in advance so that transport orders are ready even before they are needed and there is no waiting for computation of the next movement. Thus much higher throughput can be achieved even with the existing transport equipment.
Diagnostics and dealing
with errors and problems
Atlas WMS keep all data in the system highly consistent. Thanks to systematic and exhaustive logging all occurring problems are easily identified and corrected. “Common” problems in automatic transport systems (e.g. wrongly placed transport units) can be easily resolved with a mouse: drag & drop the TU to the correct location.
document management
Items from goods being stored and removed are grouped into respective orders and so they can be individually or collectively managed (reserved, started, prioritised, deleted). The possibility to manage whole orders or single items is easy and brings good results. An efficient way of optimising a process is Automated Order Processing (AOP).
reservation management
Atlas WMS can automatically reserve goods to be shipped. This reliably ensures logistic policies such as FIFO and FEFO, or any other. FIFO/FEFO policy quickly clears space for new shipments and enables best shipping sequences.
By setting whole order or single order item priority with Atlas WMS you can easily fulfil various timing requirements. Immediate shipment requests can never lead to confusion and incorrect delivery.
In many languages
Atlas WMS speaks your language! If a branch office and headquarters of your company speak a different language, Atlas WMS speaks your own.
Flexible storing,
order preparation, replenishment
Atlas WMS offers different strategies for storing goods in a warehouse and for getting them out. Goods can be already entered at the unloading dock, which enables cross–docking. Storing of goods can be directed to a specific place/zone allocated for those type of goods.
Warehouse zone
Some types of goods have to be stored separately, sometimes in a tightly controlled environment, such as foods requiring cooling, goods awaiting customs clearance, customs cleared goods and so on. With Atlas WMS it is easy to define specialised areas for such goods. Once received it is simply impossible to store goods in a wrong location.
Atlas WMS manages stock of the same product depending on its attributes. If needed, other parameters are also considered, such as production date, delivery number, the type of packaging or the expiration date. The same parameters are then used for shipping.
Management of
any type of warehouse
Atlas WMS can manage just about any type of warehouse. Atlas WMS has a dynamic warehouse structure which is to a great extent user–definable. Atlas WMS supports automated data capture with RF terminals or printouts of paper shipping sheets and manual entry.
a transport unit
With Atlas WMS transport units (pallets, containers, etc.) can be subdivided into partitions. In stock transactions users are explicitly/specifically shown the correct partition along with the partition’s fill level (in percentage) which facilitates replenishment decisions.
and safety of data
Warehouse is data! Data safety concept is designed very carefully. The whole system is backed up daily without influencing production — hot backup. At a customer’s request several higher layers of data and server mirroring are available — DataSafe, warm standby server, hot standby server, clustering, etc.
WCS - support
of automatic transport systems
An integrated Warehouse Control System coordinates various automated devices so that picking/order preparation personnel always get correct goods on time.
Automated scales
Mistakes always occur when quantities are entered manually. Therefore at Atlas WMS we have developed an interface with automated measurement devices (scales, length measurers and counters). This way stock quantities always match, deliveries are correct and invoices correspond.
Efficient system optimisation
with analytics
Numerous standard reports which are available in standard at Atlas WMS give a good overview of the state and history of the stock and warehouse system. It is easy to answer questions such as "What do I have?", "Where it is?", "How long has it been there?", "How much did we produce/transfer yesterday?", "Where are my bottlenecks?".
The higher the system complexity the more important the overview becomes. Graphic visualisation in Atlas WMS gives the operator a one–screen overview of the state of transport devices and key processes. The authorised operator can easily use the same graphic interface to influence the system. Example of the visualisation of the actual utilisation rate of high-rack locations.
Data entered into Atlas WMS are controlled in a simple and effective way. Atlas WMS calculates the weight base of any quantity and unit entered and compares it to automated scale readings.
for shipment
Goods that are prepared for shipment are usually organised into transport units or packages. With the support of Atlas WMS you can tag goods during packaging and trace them until loading on the truck or other transport means. This means you’ll never load the wrong truck or forget to load a package.
Atlas WMS enables you to control and manage stock with respect to packaging in all stages of processing: choosing an optimal packaging unit for a required quantity, breaking big packages into smaller ones, all without losing the 100% entry–to–exit traceability.
Atlas WMS optimises truck and other transport capacity usage, follows stock to the loading point and brings wrong delivery options practically to zero.
for clients
Complete stock control
and full traceability
While the ERP keeps the books, Atlas WMS controls the stock and follows it in the warehouse to the last detail. Thus the Atlas WMS system provides a constant overview of stock: when exactly there was a change, who made the change, what exactly was changed (quantity, type of material, batch), where the change occurred and how (type of transaction).
Stock with a
due expiry date is excluded
Atlas WMS manages the stock by batches, best–before dates and dates of receipt. Dispatch can thus be effected in line with either FIFO or FEFO strategiesFor goods that are rarely moved, Atlas WMS automatically generates notifications of the imminent expiry of the best–before date and sends them to key users, who can then take appropriate measures.
Short-term stocktaking
without unnecessary costs
Atlas WMS is an efficient tool for stocktaking as it enables inventory control of stock, both according to an optional criterion (random, annual, permanent inventory) and according to a criterion selected by the client. The exporting of data for reports is standardised and can be presented and processed at will with other tools (MS Excel, etc.)
Better use of storage area,
more goods in the same place
Atlas WMS supports dynamic location allocation, which optimises the space available in your warehouse. Thus in a warehouse you can manage greater amounts of stock than usual, as you can put significantly greater amounts of goods in the same space.
Storage services
you can provide to others
Atlas WMS incorporates a 3PL module that enables the management of stock kept separately and by various owners. Thus you can offer the efficient use of the storage capacities of your own warehouse to several clients at a time.
Reduction or elimination
of complaints from customers and/or suppliers
By using a Wi–Fi digital camera, Atlas WMS enables you to keep photographic documentation of the received and dispatched goods. Photographs are transferred to the system via a wireless connection and are immediately available in cases of complaints with regard to the supply of goods to a client.
Due to the automatic identification of goods, transport units or conveyor units and picking locations, wrong dispatches are simply not an issue with Atlas WMS.
Adaptable code
list of articles
Flexibility is yet another advantage of the Atlas WMS system, as in addition to enabling management through an internal code it also enables the management of individual items through a code that is allocated to its client or through a “talking” code (Matchcode).
Return packaging
The Atlas WMS system helps you know at all times which client has your return packaging and how much of your clients' packaging is stored in your warehouse. In the case that the packaging has to undergo a maintenance procedure, Atlas WMS will provide ongoing notification of this.
We believe in the
power of cooperation
We are writing excellent partner stories with engineering companies, as well. Original IT solutions for internal logistics, a dedicated team, reliability and many years of experience can become part of your integrated offer, too.