What is
Atlas Global?
Atlas Global is a module of Atlas WMS software that enables multiple–warehouse management with a single application and from a single central server. It ensures simple stock management and provides an insight into current stock, orders and other important information for all warehouses simultaneously or for each warehouse separately.
Main benefits of
Atlas Global
Uniform software
for multiple warehouses
Atlas Global is uniform WMS software running on a central server that can manage an unlimited number of warehouses at different locations from a single point of control.
Support for
hierarchic data access
Atlas Global classifies your subsidiaries by countries. It enables an overview of statistical data and a statistical analysis for your entire company, both by countries and by every individual subsidiary from a single point of control! Users can access data in their own warehouse or beyond, depending on the rights allocated to them.
Simple configuration of
new warehouses
The module itself already comprises integrated tools for the configuration of new warehouses at new or existing locations, which is made possible by simple and user–friendly "wizards".
Like Atlas WMS, the Atlas Global module also "speaks" your language. Regardless of the location of your headquarters, you can manage this system in your own language.
for clients
Stock control and replenishment
amongst warehouses is a harmonised process.
More interlinked logistics activities
(i.e., ordering from a supplier, etc.) — which results in cost optimisation.
Faster and more efficient warehouse management,
shorter overall response time.
Any upgrade (development) of the system
is simpler and available at a favourable price.
User training costs
decrease significantly.
The number of maintenance staff decreases
there is no need for such staff in subsidiaries.
We believe in the
power of cooperation
We are writing excellent partner stories with engineering companies, as well. Original IT solutions for internal logistics, a dedicated team, reliability and many years of experience can become part of your integrated offer, too.