C++ Developer

Job description &


  • Independent programming in C++.
  • Integration and development of communication protocols, logistics and optimisation algorithms for devices and robots in automated warehouses.
  • Working with the Oracle Database (SQL and PL/SQL).
  • Working with two- and three-tier architectures.
  • Mentorship and transfer of knowledge.
  • Testing and commissioning of devices in the office and on site.


strengths & skills

  • Active programming in the C++ programming language.
  • Basic knowledge of relational databases.
  • Aktivno znanje vsaj enega tujega jezika (angleščina in/ali nemščina).
  • Interest in intralogistics processes.
  • Sense of responsibility and reliability.
  • Teamwork skills and experience.
  • Analytical skills and initiative.


we offer?

  • Work in an international environment, on projects abroad, and contacts with customers from abroad.
  • Ongoing contact with the latest technologies.
  • Flexible working hours and teleworking.
  • Relaxed and creative working environment.
  • Regular training in diverse areas.
  • Possibility of career development and personal growth.

Challenge accepted?

Apply for the job.