Atlas Global simplifies material flow management in the renowed Slovene company MDM
01. 06. 2014
We are very pleased that a new Slovene company has joined the group of our partners, who mainly come from abroad. With a 35–year tradition, the company MDM from Ljubljana is an internationally renowned supplier of stainless–steel and aluminium products and semi–products.
By implementing the Atlas WMS system in their warehouses, we replaced several partial solutions with a single, integrated solutions.
Atlas WMS supports both the manual and automated warehouses. By connecting to their Navision ERP system, we introduced Atlas WMS through the Global module in all of their business units, enabling them to control everything simultaneously with a single application. At the Sinja Gorica business unit, we also implemented logistics support to the production facility, in the supply of intermediate goods and the transport of end products and scrap from the production line.
Although seemingly routine, this particular implementation was in fact very interesting for us. For the first time, we connected to the automated warehouse of Kasto, a German partner for the sawing and storing of metal bar stock and sheet metal. The fact that part of the retail sales process takes place directly in the company (the function of the material collector in a warehouse) also represented a unique challenge in the speed and ergonomics of the application. At MDM, they are very pleased with the optimisation of all of their processes, and ever since they have managed their warehouses with a single application they claim that Post–It Notes are history for them.