Employee Friendly Company
09. 02. 2022
No. 1 in customer experience. This is our vision, and we follow it at every turn, even in relation to ourselves, the employees. We constantly encourage and co-create a working environment in which all of our employees feel comfortable, an environment that enables us to effectively achieve a work-life balance.
We encourage open communication and we try to listen to each other’s wishes and needs as much as possible. Over the years, we have taken a number of both formal and not-so-formal measures that have made a significant contribution to fostering positive relations within our team, promoting greater commitment and satisfaction, and enhancing our health and safety.
The changed situation and the growing number of employees have prompted us to review our measures, and we have added some new ones to those that have already become part of our company culture. These measures have been aligned with the standards prescribed by the advisory-audit procedure for obtaining the Family Friendly Enterprise certificate. The plan for the implementation of the new measures was also approved by the audit committee and, much to our credit, we have successfully obtained the Family Friendly Enterprise basic certificate.
We are well aware that the success of any company depends mainly on its employees. Therefore, we are committed to creating work environments and to implementing various measures within which each of us will find added value according to our individual needs.
We are truly pleased that our concern for our employees has been formally confirmed with the Family Friendly Enterprise certificate. Even more so because our measures have covered everyone, including employees without families, and we are thus proud to say that we are a company that is friendly to all of our employees.