How to replace a WMS without stopping production?
11. 03. 2024
Replacing warehouse management software (WMS) without stopping production is always a challenge, but with the right approach even this is possible.
After numerous successful replacements or upgrades of the Atlas WMS solution for our customers, such as those for the brewery Pivovarna Union, the dairy company Ljubljanske Mlekarne, Belgium’s IVC Group, France’s Jacquet Metals, etc., we are proud to say that we excel in this area. Experience, expertise and a precisely elaborated process is the formula for success.
Here’s a detailed insight into how we do this.
- Thorough Preparation
Prior to changing software, we prioritise thorough planning, teamwork and risk management. We draw up a comprehensive project implementation plan, i.e., a rollout plan, listing the timelines for individual phases, procedures for transitioning from one phase to another, and a contingency plan.
- Simulator Testing
The new software is first tested on test systems with simulators, enabling us to simulate its operation in a controlled environment. Such testing ensures smooth operation when it counts, as it helps us identify potential problems even before implementing the software on the customer’s system. These simulations can also be used for early training of users.
- Gradual Implementation
After the software has been tested on simulators, it is ready for a go-live at the client’s premises. Well, almost. We agree with the client on when the software can be tested in a live environment. This usually happens on weekends or holidays, while there is no production, or when the production is running at a smaller scale. After each live testing, we revert the system to the old software and provide onsite support until we are absolutely certain that everything is working as it should.
- Competent Team
For the go-live of our software, we always assemble and provide a competent team in the field or remotely, who quickly resolve any unforeseen situations.
- Regular Consultation and Support
After having implemented the software, we provide continuous technical support to our customers. This helps to eliminate any potential problems in the shortest possible time.
Because we care about your Atlas, about your success.